January 1, 2016

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2015 was a big year for our family. We lived in the city for nine years, and after I swore up and down that I would *never* leave even after we had a kid, that's just what we did.  Funny how things change. There was a point when I realized that it would be the best thing for our family, and jumped on the homeowner bandwagon. In April, we moved into our very first home.

L continues to grow, learn, and sass nearly every day. He's an individual, and yet — I can see myself or my husband in him a lot. It's so fascinating to see watch his personality develop. He's a kind, energetic, and sensitive soul.

I survived my second Whole 30 challenge and realized how refined carbs, soy, and sugar take a toll on my body. Though I would love to say that I've maintained it — I have not. I would like to try this again in 2016.

2015 also brought with it challenges: my husband and I are on opposite schedules, with no shared days off. Though I know it's just a season in our lives, it is really hard to carve out family time when it's virtually impossible to have a weekend together.

Happy New Year!

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